// // some Java Scripts used by the STC portal framework // /** * we use only a query parameter for url's: e.g.: "../myList?myEntry". * pass by the href, e.g. as: "href = '<%=ctx.getBaseHREF()%>' + formObj.action" */ function stcUpdateWebList( href, listName ) { val = listGetSelectedValue( listName ); location.href = href + '?' + val;; } /** * get the selected value of a list */ function listGetSelectedValue ( objList ) { if ( document.all[objList].selectedIndex == -1 ) return null; return document.all[objList].options[document.all[objList].selectedIndex].value; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // windows // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * main open function. Note: only this one returns the window reference! All other do not!! */ function openWindow ( url, name, width, height, scrollbar, resizable ) { if ( scrollbar == null ) scrollbar = 'no'; if ( resizable == null ) resizable = 'no'; var ref = window.open ( url, name, "height=" + height + ",width=" + width + ",resizable=" + resizable + ",dependent=no,scrollbars=" + scrollbar + ",menubar=no,status=yes,toolbar=no" ); ref.focus(); return ref; }